Sunday, July 22, 2007

When to Chat? Vote HERE

Etsy Scratch Fashion designers...

We need to have a team chat - please vote for what evening this week that you could chat around 10pm EST. We'll have other chats at other times (so everyone in europe and asia can join in!) but this one is just to get us started.

Also, just for kicks, a few links to a couple etsy clothing designers I've noticed doing cool things lately... don't think they're SCRATCH designers yet, but maybe we can make some new friends


thimblescratch said...

I vote Friday, only because I would probably still be up at 10pm. Although any day will work fine for me.

Dave said...

Either Thursday or Friday will work for me....Look forward to it...:)

Stereoette said...

thursday would actually be better for me b/c i have a friend from out of town coming in friday...

thimblescratch said...

Sounds good to me, how about tonight?